Today’s Devotional

October 8, 2008

His questions sometimes seem to reflect the fine art of understatement. Asking someone who has been sick for thirty-eight years if he wants to get well should generate a “well, duh!” response. But if there is one thing Jesus ISN’T it is naive and out of touch. His insightful questions serve a very specific purpose.

“A man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, “Do you wish to get well?”” ( John 5:5-6 )

Jesus’ question would indeed have seemed naive if it weren’t for the qualifying statement, “and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition”. It obviously wasn’t from ignorance that such a question was asked.

This type of questioning was not confined to just one incident. An obviously blind man once cried out to Jesus for help and Jesus responded with the question, “What do you want me to do for you?” ( Luke 18:41 ). Again, it was not from ignorance that such a question was raised.

There is power in naming the need. A key tenet of Alcoholics Anonymous is to state before a group, “Hi. My name is ….. and I’m an alcoholic”. It is nearly impossible to live in denial when we have verbally stated the need.

Jesus always operated on the level of need and knowledge of those who sought His help. His help was channeled to their spoken need according to their level of faith. A lack of faith by others was His – and their – greatest hindrance ( Matthew 13:58 ).

The old adage, “be careful what you ask for” seems to apply here. The sick man asked for help with an obvious need but he had a far greater need that he could easily have asked for – eternal life in the coming kingdom. No doubt life in the age to come was what Jesus most desired for this man, and hoped to provide through meeting his obvious need.

What is the GREATEST need you have? What is the GREATEST need for your family? Your church? Carefully consider the single greatest need and then speak it verbally in the presence of your Savior who is eager to bring the powers of heaven to bear on that need. And then in faith ask, believing that you have received that which you seek (Matthew 21:22)


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